Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Shorter Mitch McConnell: "It's Obama's Fault That I Appear to be an Idiot."

So sayeth his Duty Lackey:
"Senator McConnell's office is hyper-vigilant about finding answers to the questions raised by his constituents. If the inquiry is unfamiliar to our staff, we often attempt to find answers from agencies and in this case, that extra effort produced a humorous misunderstanding. And frankly, we were surprised that anyone from the administration would forward a constituent's letter to the press," said McConnell spokesman Don Stewart.

The story was false right on its face. You would have to be a complete moron, or a Fox-News-inhaling-asshat,* to even think that there could be an ounce of truth to such a yarn.

No, this one is on McConnell. He and his party have spent the last 4+ years demonizing this president. No rational thjinking person wold have been fooled for more than three seconds. But they were fooled long enought to write up a letter to the DoD and send it over.

They have nobody to blame but themselves.
* Arguably, the second category is a subset of the first.

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