Tuesday, November 13, 2012

On This Day in History

On November 13th, Felix Unger was asked to remove himself from his place of residence.

That request came from his wife.


  1. LOL!
    OMG I can't believe you remembered that, talk about a trivia winner.

    1. Blame my sister. She mentioned it on Facebleccch.

  2. Seriously? Because now I've got the theme music stuck in my head.

  3. Later, on the building rooftop (in the movie), Oscar had told him seven ways from Sunday he wanted Felix out. In one of the great exchanges in filmdom, Felix starts, "so, in other words…"

    Oscar jumps in and shouts, "no! Not 'in other words'—those are the very words."

    Felix was shocked.

    ZJX, ORD, ZAU retired

  4. Replies
    1. They can't all be serious posts, now can they?

  5. So he called on his childhood friend, Oscar Madison....


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