Friday, April 6, 2012

Switch Off

I've gotten rid of those stinking comment verification thingies. I'll run the risk of this being a low enough profile blog that the spammers will go elsewhere.

But if they show up, I'll throw the crypto lock back on.


  1. Thank You. My old and tired eyes has a hell of a time making out the letters.

  2. Thanks. It was so easy to mistake some letters for others, and sometimes the, er, assemblages of random type were too blurry to make out.

  3. Thanks for the effort, and I'll certainly understand if it needs to change back.

    I started to call what I'm doing right now as "trying to post a reply." My success rate was nearly 80%.

  4. I've failed to read those correctly so many times, I was beginning to wonder if I really am a spambot.

  5. I was going to remove mine but in the past 3 days I've been hit by some sort of spam that gets past google's spam block, so I'm leaving mine ON. Strange spam, it always has the term "leatherjacket" as part of its name, but it also is different and never the same...

    All The Best,
    Frank W. James

  6. Too bad we can't trace those spammers back to their home address, catch them when they come out of their den of evil to mow the lawn or something, and cut their balls off to teach them that spamming our blogs isn't nice. But man, how I wish... yah, I do *not* like spam or spammers.

    BTW, when did Chairman Meow start blinking his eyes?

    -Badtux the Much-spammed Penguin

  7. BadTux, I don't know. I use Firefox, mostly, and I've never seen a blink. But I just looked at the page with Chrome and sure enough, his eyes blink.

    As for the spammers, I'd go more for "heads impaled on pikes", if I had my way about it.


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