Monday, December 19, 2011

Glomming from the Government With Both Hands; Teabagger Edition

Rick Perry, who is "serving" as the governor of Texas, officially "retired" in order to boost how much money he got paid for his semi-no-show- job.
Gov. Rick Perry claimed his retirement benefit from the state last January and has padded his salary with an additional $92,000 in taxpayer funds, financial disclosures filed in the presidential race show.

Under state law, Perry, 61, is eligible for retirement through his 25 years in public office coupled with his five years of military service. The supplemental pay boosted his state-paid gross income to $242,000 annually.

He was able to retire and continue in office through a quirk in state law provided for statewide elected officials. And while the double-dip benefit is available for other state employees, Perry has signed laws as governor that make it more difficult for others, especially teachers, to take advantage.
So with his phoney retirement, Perry gets to take another ninety-two large home for doing whatever the hell he does. Which apparently is sort of limited to selling Texas out to big campaign contributors, executing people, and screwing over the middle class every which way he can.

Might be worth recalling that at the same time a couple of years ago that Gov. Gayboy Goodhair was bleating about secession, he was also quietly taking billions of dollars in Federal money to balance his budget.

Perry is as much a hypocrite as Flip-Flop Mitt, only with about half the smarts. Perry's an ideologue because it removes the requirement that he do any thinking. If there is one thing that the GOP debates have shown, it is that asking Perry to think on his feet is like asking Stephen Hawking to do a buck-and-wing.



  1. like the clueless TP demonstrators that carry signs reading, "Keep the government's hands off of my Medicare".
    Just saw a Medicare statment for the first time. Larger type and hardly any fine print as compared with HMO statements!

  2. It's a 'little' late for me now, but it looks I shoulda been a 'good' boy and got ME one of them Government jobs!!
    Man talk about overkill !
    a poor w3ski


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