Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Criminalization of School Children; Missouri Edition

Let's say that you want to be a school administrator. So here is the test: It comes to your attention that a student with Down's Syndrome has hugged a teacher's aide.

If your reaction is to have the kid arrested and charged with sexual harassment, then: Congratulations! You're qualified to be a school administrator.


  1. Where do these people come from? My ex sister-in-law was a school administrator and while she could be a hard ass I could never see her doing something this stupid. In addition, she was certified for special ed. She probably would have handled the district officials better.

  2. Like the one I saw on Fark earlier, some kid chewed a piece of toast into the shape of a gun and had the cops called on him,true to form, they hauled his narrow ass off and actually pressed charges.

    The mind fuck they are throwing into our kids is mind boggling.

    Part of this next generation is completely Gonzo and part of the one after them are going to be completely malleable fucking Gumby's.

    I will greet Death gladly at this point.

  3. LOL, so much for my short term memory.....

    I paid good money to kill it off.


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