Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Murder by Cop

The Westerly, RI cops said that they only hit Ryan O'Loughlin in the leg when they arrested him. But he died from a lacerated liver after he was released by the cops. And because he died in Connecticut, the RI cops were unable to hush up the autopsy.
The Connecticut Office of the Chief Medical Examiner ruled that O'Loughlin's death, caused by blunt force trauma to the abdomen, was a homicide.
Westerly had better warm up the town checkbook, for this is going to cost them.

It probably should cost some cops at least some unpaid desk time, if not some time in the Crossbar Hotel. But that's probably not going to happen.


  1. Are all police departments just gangs now. They always were in Texas.

  2. Well armed and ruthless.
    I want to like cops, I really do. But the last few decades have only reinforced that cops mostly can get away with far more than citizens think. And do so far too often. Our knee jerk reaction to 9/11, the war on drugs, both of these things are failures. And most cops seem to think exactly the opposite. Not that they are winning but that we need to double down so they can do more. And it still is not working.

  3. End the "war on drugs". It isn't working, all we do is create more criminals and currupt more police. I know for a fact ( I come from a cop family) that police feel that they are above the law, they have the right to mete out their own brand of justice, and that they have justification to lie if it means putting someone whom they feel deserves it away. It turns them eventually into judgmental, hard-hearted and hateful people, who only feel comfortable among their fellow cops.

  4. Dude
    The war on drugs. One of the many failures that we keep on doing. It is a total failure that costs us billions and many of our rights. And has turned many if not most cops into exactly the people you describe.


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