Thursday, September 22, 2011

Breathing While Muslim and Living In New York City?

Then you can be reasonably certain that the local Stasi NYPD has a file on you.

Now imagine the NYPD keeping a file on you because your parents moved up from Dixie and attend the local Southern Baptist church. Imagine that the file noted that you were a paid-up member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, a proud member of the Koch Tea Party and your dad had demonstrated outside of family planning clinics. Would you have a problem with any of that?

1 comment:

  1. It's been going on forever. My Dad had a professional association with DR. Tim Leary way back in the 50's. Fast track to the late 60's and the Weathermen bust Leary out of Prison.
    So here is the FBI calling my stepmom's house trying to get her to "fess up" so she won't go to jail too? Dad hadn't even thought of him in 10 plus years.
    Dummies. And they seem to be worse now !


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