Thursday, August 4, 2011

Wall Street Was Sure Impressed By the Teabaggers' Debt Deal

The Dow fell 512 points today.


  1. Yeppers. The Teabaggers said that if we just got government out of the pockets of people, the magical Free Market Fairy would take care of everything. Well, they got their way. Funny, the Free Market Fairy's magic wand feels a lot more like a bunghole reamer today.

    - Badtux the Rudely Snarky Penguin

  2. What the Teabaggers have not learned, and will not learn as long as they themselves are in rich men's pockets whether they know it or not... this stock market fall WAS the Free Market in action. They seem to fail to understand that their vaunted Free Market is as free to fall as to rise, and all at the behest of financial firms who have no interest in those not wealthy enough to need their services.


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