Monday, May 16, 2011

The Polanski Effect

It can be seen here:
Agreeing with prosecutors' assertions that he is a flight risk, a judge Monday denied bail to International Monetary Fund head Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who is charged with chasing a hotel employee down the hall of his New York hotel suite and sexually assaulting her.
If he were let out on bail and he fled the country to France, he would have been home free, just like Roman Polansky, a point that the prosecutors attempted to make.

Chances are that in a few weeks, this particular perp will be let out on some fairly stringent bail conditions, such as virtual house arrest, having to wear an ankle monitor and having guards around him to make sure he stays put.

He did get the ceremonial NYPD perp walk:


  1. I have no trouble believing this evil, and any other that someone would charge him with. I also have no trouble believing he was railroaded.

  2. Something tracks really peculiar about this one. It lights up my 'wtf' meter.

  3. I get the feeling that they have some pretty good physical evidence to justify holding a guy with this much juice in the Tombs.

  4. From all accounts, the dude was a horndog and major misogynistic a-hole. At first I was dubious, but right now he looks a lot like the French version of John Edwards -- someone who was politically virtuous but who couldn't keep his thingy in his pants. Except more vicious than Edwards. At least Edwards merely cheated on his wife and paid off his mistress, he didn't actually go out trying to force people to have sex with him...

    - Badtux the Seen-it-too-many-times Penguin


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