Monday, May 16, 2011

The Fuckery of the Obama Administration; Whistleblower Edition

As one guy put it:
“The Bush people have been let off. The telecom companies got immunity. The only people Obama has prosecuted are the whistle-blowers.”
Torture people? That's OK, you get a pass.

Wiretap all Americans? You get a pass.

Falsify the need to go to war and get over 4,000 Americans killed? You get patted on the head.

Tell the truth about what is going on? You go to jail.

I'd have expected no less of Dick Cheney. Barack Obama seems to be as much about covering up government fuckery as Cheney ever was.

I have no doubt whatsoever that the NSA is continuing to collect every e-mail sent, for as Hayden made pretty clear, the NSA doesn't give a damn about the law. They're probably collecting recordings of every telephone conversations and no doubt that they are hard at work developing computer tools to make them all searchable. The only way to have a private conversation with anyone may be to have it out in the desert, far beyond the range of microphones.


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