Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Arguably the Most Dangerous Country In the World Today

That would be Pakistan. Although a relatively impoverished nation, the Pakistanis are ramping up their nuclear weapons program faster than any other nation in the world. They may soon be at the point where they could produce a nuclear weapon each week.

India is their big boogieman. The Pakistanis have diverted much of the anti-terrorism money that we have given them to buy weapons for use against India. The Bush Administration connived at that.

Abu Muqawama wondered several days ago why there is such reverence in Pakistan for their military. That is a good question. Pakistan has lost every war that it fought with India. The Pakistani military is, like most third-world militaries, used mainly to stifle civil unrest and dissent.

Pakistan is a state sponsor of terrorism, they have supported Lashkar-e-Taiba, which carried out the Mumbai Massacre in 2008 and the attack on the Indian parliament in 2001. That has been a foolish thing for them to do, for funding and training true-believer militants and then hoping that they will only aim their guns outside of the borders has proven to be a really dumb idea, as that militancy has spread inside Pakistan.

It doesn't take much study to conclude that the greater threat to Pakistan comes from its own policies of supporting the religious extremists than from any risk of an Indian attack. And because of Pakistan's focus on producing large amounts of nuclear weapons, they threaten the rest of the globe.

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