Tuesday, April 26, 2011

President Obama Does Not Endorse This Blog

But since the Obama Administration thinks that posting the Presidential Seal means something or other, well then:

As time goes on, I see this Administration falling more and more in love with the power of the office of the presidency. Maybe they didn't glom onto it as fast that the reckless asses in the previous administration, but still, it seems to me that President Obama has eagerly thrown away everything that he supposedly knew back when he was teaching constitutional law. His recent defense of the psychological torturing of Bradley Manning, that Manning "broke the law", was a spectacular fuckup for a former conlaw professor, for anyone who has ever seen a single episode of "Law and Order" knows that the determination of whether someone broke a law is for the judge or jury to decide, not for the executive branch. That would be the sort of arrogant statement that I would have expected to have been spewed forth by Chimpy or Vlad the Face-Shooter, not by this president.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not about to consider voting for any of the douchenozzles who are ginning up for a run against Obama, though I was kind of disappointed to see that Boss Hogg Haley Barbour dropped out of the race, if only for comic relief. On second thought, Barbour also was good at spotlighting the GOP's amnesia on civil rights, though I'm pretty certain that's not what Barbour had in mind every time he reminisced about the good old days when certain people weren't allowed to vote.

It's hard for me to work up any serious enthusiasm for a president (and a party) that operates politically like the French in 1940: "Merde, you flanked our obvious defenses, we surrender!" (Even when the leading Republican candidate right now is a fucking lunatic.)


  1. Every time I get depressed about Obama's choices, I visit this guy: http://pleasecutthecrap.typepad.com/main/what-has-obama-done-since-january-20-2009.html

    He cheers me up, sometimes.

  2. Personally I'm pulling for a Palin/Bachmann or Bachmann/Palin ticket. I might even switch party affiliation so I could vote for them in the primaries.

  3. I can't think of any historical figure, or any current one for that matter, who warranted two autobiographies by the age of forty,
    Can't figure why you're surprised that he's more interested in wielding power than governing.


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