Monday, April 25, 2011

The Networks Are Going Nuts

All because some goddamn pilot who is a junior officer in the British Royal Air Force, some kid who will eventually inherit the family business, is getting married.

It's a fantastic thing that the economy is booming, and that there are no wars, border conflicts, rebellions or strife anywhere in the world. Because the TV networks are going nuts.


  1. We fought two wars so we didn't have to worry about those inbred fools.

  2. Pomp manufacturers are a dying breed. The market is saturated with artificial pomp, cheaply produced in southern California and other places.

  3. Just Go Read Sarah, Proud and Tall:

    You wont regret it - food and drink should not be ingested while reading - you have been warned.

  4. Wow. I just added that one. Thanks, Marc.

  5. William, two words for your consideration: Jeb Bush. Or, if you like, "_______ Kennedy".

  6. That's why they're going nuts, babe.

    One more spectacle coming up!

    Love ya,


  7. At least they're getting married. A lot of welfare recipients don't bother.

  8. William, that's pretty cold. :)

    But I'm getting tired of the fact that I can't watch more than five minutes of a news show without a "wedding story". I'm starting to hope that Prince Billy is really a Larry-Craig-type closet queer and that he gets busted in the Heathrow loo.


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