Saturday, April 30, 2011


When I was traveling last week, my cats stayed at a friend's house. This is feeding time, with, from left to right, Rocky, Bella and Gracie.

George is giving me plenty of attitude. He's very good at it.

Jake is sleeping. He's good at that, as well.

Gracie the queen. I took one of the heated cat beds along for her.


  1. Gracie crackes me uppe! She's all like "You *do* realize I am Empress of the Universe, right? RIGHT!?"

  2. Yeah, I was really getting a kick out of Gracie's expression too.

    Bit of Maine Coon in there someplace?

  3. jbrock, I don't think she does. Her mother didn't, nor did any of the other kittens in her litter. Look at the old photos of Sweetie.

  4. Wow, that's some stink-eye on George!


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