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Monday, December 6, 2010
Keeping the Base Happy
Compare that to his father, who agreed to a tax increase that was, to a considerable amount, responsible for the balancing of the federal budget in a few years. That incensed his base.
President George H.W. Bush was a one-term president. Chimpy served two (unelected) terms.
President Obama is following the Bush41 model. By doing so, he seems intent on pissing off his base of support. Sure, the rich folks who give to Democrats will probably support him in 2012. But he is not really giving the voters in his base, the Democrats who offset the batshit-insane Palinites, a reason to turn out and vote for him.
He had better get a clue sometime soon.
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COMMENT MODERATION IS IN EFFECT UFN. This means that if you are an insulting dick, nobody will ever see it.
You make a great point. The President really does need to consider the base a bit more. The Republicans and their supporting right wing media continue to frame every debate leaving the President and Democrats on the defensive and having to move to the right or be derided as liberals. The mainstream media continues to repeat this idea that we're a center right nation, but all the studies I've seen that break down the issues without applying labels demonstrate that we're actually dead center or center left.