A blog by a "sucker" and a "loser" who served her country in the Navy.
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Slava Ukraini!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
TSA- "If You Protest, We Will Fuck You Up."
It has nothing to do with security. It has everything to do with keeping the sheeple in line. Which is one reason why the bozo in charge of the TSA at the San Diego airport is questioning the patriotism of anyone who does not want their bodies X-rayed. It is why the Chief Thug of the TSA is reaching out to reporters to spread the message that if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear and that everything will go smoother if everyone shuts up and does whatever the TSA demands.
On another email list, one of the members said that while they would like to speak out against the outrages being perpetrated by the TSA, to do so meant running the risk of being flagged for fucking with at any TSA checkpoint or being put on a no-fly list.
Not speaking out for fear that the organs of state security are going to fuck with you is a hallmark of an authoritarian state, not a free nation.
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I do think they want to scare the sheeple into compliance before the upcoming travel season, when a few bumptious 'goats' are already suggesting saying no to their scanners to mess up the progress.
ReplyDeleteOne of the articles to which you linked quoted some twit as saying that groping and irradiation are small prices to pay for catching would-be bombers. That argument has always enraged me, and now I've found the perfect rejoinder. We could reduce road fatalities by 29K/year with widespread but noninvasive tech, but we don't because there are so many who consider it an invasion of privacy. Goose, gander. https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/11/16/AR2010111603830.html?hpid=dynamiclead