Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Building Your Own Airplane

Some simple tips:


  1. If there's a chapter on how to be a politician, there's some folks that need to have it read to them.

  2. The ROP instructor who taught me how to weld built and flew his own airplanes. He was the best welder/fabricator I have ever known. He was also a door gunner in Viet Nam. I think he met or exceeded the qualifications listed in this hilarious video.

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. Red Green is a genius. He definitely deserved that Order of Canada.

  4. Does an order of Canada come with fries, or are they extra?

  5. Comes with fries, topped with cheese curds and gravy, duh!

    - Badtux the Food Penguin

  6. Red (Steve Smith) is a genius in real life in my opinion. He is a marina neighbour of mine and converted one of his houseboat engines to make and run off hydrogen, the other he kept as a diesel for safety. He has converted his Chrysler 300 to hydrogen too. The problem there was that he was making too much hydrogen from his car battery and with hydrogen storage problematical he ended up having to disable some cells in his car battery. FYI, the actor who plays his nephew is a driving comic force on the show....Allan


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