Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Some Brit Prince Is Getting Married,
After the Break, Republicans Spike the "New Start" Arms Control Treaty

If you have the news on this morning, you've probably been bombarded with stories of the announcement of the engagement of Kate Middleton and Prince William (who will become King of the Britons around 2040 or so, at this rate).

But you probably won't see that the Republicans are refusing to ratify the New Start arms control treaty with Russia. The GOP wants to make sure that there is plenty of cash in the defense budget for their corrupt asshole supporters. That, and they are still fighting the Cold War against the Soviet Union, a struggle that ended two decades ago. Why is that, class?

Let's not always see the same hands.

Yes, because it makes lots of money for the companies who give bribes campaign contributions to the GOP.

1 comment:

  1. And now I know why no aliens have contacted us.

    They know the Republicans would use them to generate fear and create enormous defense projects.

    Thank you for your consideration, aliens!


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