Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Dirty Rats Report

The long knives are coming out in the party of the Confederacy for Michael Steele. The whining of "how broke we are" from the resigning member of the RNC is curious, given how much money was funneled into the 2010 races by the Chamber of Commerce and other pro-raping-the-world-and-fucking-the-poor-and-middle-classes advocacy groups.

Rep. Pete Sessions confirmed that his and his fellow Republicans are also going to hold unemployment benefits hostage to giving the super-rich continued tax cuts.

Over in the party of the Spineless, Rep. Charlie Rangel was found guilty of 11 of 13 ethical violations.

And since spinelessness is a virtue among Democrats, especially Senate Democrats, Harry Reid, a man whose picture can be found in the zoological guides under "Weasel; gutless", was re-elected as majority leader.

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