Warren Buffett had a thank-you Op-Ed in the Times yesterday to thank the Federal government from saving the economy from total collapse.
This is my response:
Dear Mr. Buffett:
I read your thank-you note in the New York Times.
Fuck you very much for sending it now, rather than a month ago, when it might have done some good for the senators and congressmen who cast the hard votes to save this country and who were punished by a horde of ignorant yahoos for doing that.
Fuck you very much for sending it, now rather than in the summer of 2009, when it might have made a difference in tamping down the yelling and screaming of those spoiled brats in the Tea party.
But no, you had to send your thank-you note when it would have no practical effect whatsoever.
Thank you not having the courage to stick your neck out.
Comrade Misfit
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