Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Evil That is Microsoft- Willing Tool of the KGB

Or FSB or whatever Russia calls its internal good squads.

Microsoft is and has been a willing tool of the Russian cops to shut down dissident groups. The Russian cops are going after the dissidents on the excuse of "they're using pirated software" and Microsoft has been more than eager to help the Russian cops.

You know that sticker on your computer that proves that you are using a licensed copy of Windows? The cops raid the dissidents, they scrape the sticker off and then they confiscate the computer. The objective, of course, is to both deprive the dissidents of their computer files and give the cops access to everything the dissidents have.

Microsoft's Russian lawyers then go into court and say whatever the cops want them to say. They deny that the computers had licensed copies of Windows. They say that they have examined the computers when they never have seen them.

Just when you might have thought that Microsoft has found the lower depths of how evil a technology company can be, they dig even deeper.

1 comment:

  1. The dissidents should switch to Linux. No licensing issues there, and the code is open enough they could be reasonably sure it didn't have hidden "features" that only a paranoid government agency would love.


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