Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Global Vampire Squid and the Other Banksters

At the same time that the global economy was teetering on the edge of collapse, the banksters had the guts to give themselves two billion dollars in bonuses for, well, I have no idea. It certainly can't be for doing a good job. The only people who might have thought that they were doing a good job would be those emotionally invested in the idea that the economic system should collapse: Marxists, acolytes of Ayn Rand and goldbugs.

Meanwhile, it has come to light that Goldman Sachs (a/k/a the Global Vampire Squid was lying when it said that if AIG had defaulted, that Goldman Sachs would have had few losses. The AIG rescue, which has cost well over a hundred billion dollars, looks more and more like it was engineered to be a hidden bailout of Goldman Sachs and the other banksters.

I suspect that the NY Fed (then headed by Timothy Geithner, now our Treasury Secretary) had its fingerprints all over that deal.

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