Monday, June 7, 2010

"BP" Can Also Stand for "Brontosaurus Pooping"

For just like a 30-ton herbivore, which probably shat near-constantly, BP seems to be dedicated to fouling the environment everywhere it sets up an operation.

Lake Michigan is very slow to clean itself. I've seen estimates that it takes a century for the water in the lake to drain out and be replenished.* That the state of Indiana allowed BP to dump even more crap into Lake Michigan is shameful.

No shock here that Chimpy's EPA thought that dumping more pollution into Lake Michigan was a fine idea.

*Lake Erie, on the other hand, flushes itself out every seven or so years, which is why that lake cleaned so quickly once the polluters were brought to heel.


1 comment:

  1. Oh come on... you cannot blame Bush for everything. It is not always his fault. The IDEM under Daniels has been practicably non-existent since he took office. Heck, I think he rubber stamped that request personally.


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