Friday, May 14, 2010

A Used K-Car Might Look Pretty Attractive

Because cars that are networked to computer systems may be susceptible to being hacked. Conceivably, a hacker could take control of the car and run you right into a bridge abutment.

Why is it that it seems that we are hell-bent on running right into the sort of dystopian future that science-fiction writers have been mining for decades?


  1. This is why I buy cars with as little electronic crap as I can. Even power windows are a pain in the ass.

  2. The hack potential fortunately is limited to the higher end cars as is. and anything prior to maybe 2005 is likely too computer limited for that to be a problem.

    However, it would be sorta fun to punch a code and watch all the ritzy rolling war wagons pull over to the side and politely park thereby clearing the road. That should be salable to the TSA and ubersafety folk.

    Puts a whole new spin on "stop that car" and "follow that car". Car tracking made simple with out the bumper beeper using the cars native GPS.
    Of course rather than planting car bombs we achieve the same effect my making the car suicidal.

    Sounds like the making of Scifi but often it's not always a predictor. Smart cars are predicted few stories talk about the malevolent uses of that.


  3. One more reason a 1966 Ford Ranchero is still in my garage. We CAN repair it w/o a degree in electronics.

    And yes, I have felt like someone dropped me into Blade Runner w/o Harrison Ford OR Hauer to amuse me.

  4. I picked up a copy of the director's cut of Blade Runner a while back; I've not made the time to watch it. So far.

  5. Last year I was gifted with the mult-DVD set...about four or five versions. I hate the director's cuts. I like the theatrical ones best; possibly because that is what I invested my mind in at the outset? I greatly enjoyed the disk about the making of the film---really the last "analog" sci-fi films. And it was well done, it does not look dated even now when compared to the computer generated wonders available.

    It is a masterpiece, as a movie. As a future to live in, however? Not so much!

  6. I don't mind the director's cuts, usually, because there have been cases where the movie was butchered by the studio idiots and that was what was released.

    An exception is Star Wars. When I saw the 20th anniversary re-release, I shouted obscenities at the screen when Greedo shot at Han Solo. That was a perfect bit, as it was originally shown. It established Solo as a rogue and having him not cut Greedo down wrecked the set-up of the character.

    I avoided the other re-releases for fear of what additional bits of butchery might have been wrought by Lucas. My only mistake was to allow myself to be persuaded to go see "Speed Racer in the Desert" (the Phantom Menace), one of the truly sucky movies I have ever seen

  7. Since my kids had loved the original Star Wars trio, I gave it a try the second time around.

    Pass the barf bag. I didn't even make it through one of them. And I still LOVE the Robot Chicken convo between the Emperor and Darth Vader:
    "What the hell is an Aluminum Falcon?"

  8. Oh, I love that piece. I have it on my computer.

    "You get your 7-foot-2 asthmatic ass back here, or I'm gonna tell everyone what a whiny bitch you were about Padamane or Panda Bear or whatever the hell her name is!"

  9. Yeah, I hear that. Just thinking of it brings me to giggling. Sometimes at unfortunate moments...

  10. that's why i keep a 1953 chevy in tip-top running condition stored away against the day...


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