Friday, May 14, 2010

... And All Sorts of Ugliness Ensued

I clicked on what seemed to be an innocuous e-mail today to unsubscribe from it. It took me to a site that clearly wasn't what I expected.

I immediately yanked the power cord right out of the back of my computer. I disconnected it from the network, booted to safe mode, started the AV program and set it for a boot-scan. Rebooted and something like 90 minutes later, it finished (found a couple of worms). Ran Malware Bytes and it came up clean.

So I rebooted again and reconnected to the network.

The ugliness was because I had a database on the office server open when I yanked the cord out. That did bad things to the database, which took a little time to fix and which pissed off all of the other users. All sorts of ugliness was prevented only by the fact that I am, at heart, a very lovable person.[1]

[1] And heavily armed.


  1. If you have installation rights on your machine, you could use Sandboxie ( I use it at home with minimal inconvenience (the main one is that, with the free version, after 30 days it waits 6 seconds before opening apps in the sandbox).

  2. Thanks for the suggestion, I am trying it out now.


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