Tuesday, May 18, 2010

So Much for the Democrats Holding Onto Chris Dodd's Senate Seat

The leading Democrat in that contest, state AG Richard Blumenthal, just politically shot himself in the head.

He has been going around and implying that he served in Vietnam. He did not. He strung a shitload of deferments together and when he couldn't do that anymore, he went the George W. Bush/Dan Quayle route and got a cushy job in the Reserves in the 152nd Toys For Tots Brigade.

He was a picture-postcard REMF.

And now, he may be toast.


  1. NPR mentioned multiple deferments this morning. He needs a mudhole stomped in his butt.

  2. I think the worst part was talking about how he and his "fellow vets" were treated when they got home. the old bullshit about how vets were spit on and other right wing lies.

  3. This guy was the pick of the party establishment, wasn't he? Their record of picking winners hasn't been broken.


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