Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Now, If You Want to See a Really Lawless Nation

Then visit Russia, where the oligarchs, the government officials and the cops do whatever they feel like.

And if you don't like it, you will be arrested or beaten. Or shot.


  1. the preview of a sarah palin presidency

  2. Don't think so, Dcap. That level of government terrorism against critics requires some serious competence -- thus why it's happening under Putin's "benevolent" rule (heh -- as if -- KGB never changes its spots), but didn't happen under Yeltsin's rule. George W. Bush *wished* he could have terrorized the media into not reporting inconvenient facts (not difficult with the American media, which has all the spine of a jellyfish), but in the end lacked the competence to do a decent job of it. Same with Palin. She's an idiot. 'Nuff said.

    - Badtux the Dictatorship-scryin' Penguin


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