Friday, May 14, 2010

The Real-Life Oil Slut

Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-BP), who is doing everything she possibly can to protect the interests of BP and any other oil company who happens to spill tens of millions of gallons of oil into the oceans. You can always find someone from the party of Hoover to stand up for the interests of large corporations.

Meanwhile, the chairman of BP is trotting out the rationale that their is leaking not a lot of oil into a very large body of water, so what's the big deal, mate? I would like to put a glass of water in front of him, drip motor oil into the glass and ask him to take a swig.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I was thinking ricin or cyanide... "Don't worry. In comparison to your body mass, the amount is really tiny."


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