Friday, May 14, 2010

It's Called "Defense in Depth", Officer Fucktard. Look It Up.

It is not a choice between making your home more burglar resistant or bying a gun:
[Overland Park, KS Officer Michael] Betten cautions [against] using a weapon as protection because it is crucial to keep intruders out to begin with.
The better option is to do both. Stronger doors and windows persuade the bad guys to go elsewhere. But if they get through that, then yes, you may want to have the option to corpsify them.



  1. Eh chowderhead cop, you can discourage them and maybe even slow them down. If they want in your it. Or maybe.. they will prey on you neighbor who didn't get the locks and alarms.

    Good locks and all help, but in the end
    if they come in an artillery greeting
    is not unwarranted. removing them from the gene pool is generally a good thing.

    It's right up there with shooting rabid vermin. Not something people are willing to do but often needs to happen.


  2. Indeed! A strong door, locked windows, a dog, and a shotgun.


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