Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Torching of Flint

Flint, Michigan laid off about a third of its cops and a quarter of its firefighters, because they had a huge budget shortfall. Unlike the Feds, states and municipalities can't print money. If money is not there, they have to cut costs. (Some states, such as NY, have used so many tricks and maneuvers that they don't know how bad things really are.)

As Bridget has so well covered, the city is now burning down. Every night, there are fires. Sometimes, many fires. The residents are mad, but the shortfall has to be made up somewhere.

Bridget also wonders why the national media hasn't been paying attention. That's a damn good question.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, you can bet they are paying attention.

    They just aren't reporting it.

    Nothing happening here.

    Move along.


    Bridget also wonders why the national media hasn't been paying attention.


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