Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Gov. McDonnell: Let's All Celebrate the Positive Aspects Of Slavery!

That would seem to be the impetus behind Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell (a Republican, in case you couldn't guess) issuing a proclamation declaring that April is "Confederate History Month."

So let's go drink some mint juleps and contemplate how much better it was back in the day when Black people (and married white women, for that matter) were legally the property of their masters.

After all, it was indeed a "defining chapter" in Virginia history, when its state government of seditious bastards committed treason, seceded from the Union and sent hundreds of thousands of its young men to fight and die for the causes of slavery and oppression, all wrapped tidily under the rubric of "states' rights".


  1. Silly me. I had so hoped a new President in office would help cut back on official stupidity. I should have expected backlash in the from of rampant racist idiocy instead.

  2. I didn't, either, which is why this post, which I alluded to earlier, was so illuminating.

  3. Yeah, that IS illuminating. Rather like the light at the end of the tunnel being the headlight of an oncoming train. Imagine, when Bush was voted out, I had hoped to quit involuntarily wishing for a coma to take me away...

    I lived in the South as a child. That entire mentality still makes my skin creep.


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