Monday, April 12, 2010

No Prizes For Guessing Who He is Referring To

Russian President Medvedev and George Stephanopolis:
STEPHANOPOULOS: ... What do you make of Barack Obama the man?

MEDVEDEV: [Obama] is a very comfortable partner. It’s very interesting to be with him. The most important thing that distinguishes him from many other people, I won’t name anyone by name, he’s a thinker. He thinks when he speaks.

STEPHANOPOULOS: (laughing) You have somebody in your mind, I think!

MEDVEDEV: Obviously I do have someone on my mind, I don’t want to offend anyone.

1 comment:

  1. What! Stuffleupabus didn't ask Medvedev to respond to a Palin quote. How are the Rusiians going to know who is important in US politics?


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