Monday, April 12, 2010

Catching Up

I've been mostly offline for awhile, so it is time for a little bit of catching up.

First, let's go with Jon Stewart looking at the reaction of the Wingnuts and Faux News at the nuclear arms treaty that Obama signed:

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
The Big Bang Treaty
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

Then, there is the story that when it comes to matters of science, the majority of Americans belong to the classification of Boobus Ignoramus, preferring to believe in magic and mysticism.

Back to Jon Stewart, who is celebrating Union Victory Appreciation Month:

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Virginia's Confederate History Month & Griffin Mascot
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

Rand Paul has the Republicans crapping their pants. They're afraid that Paul could ensure that the Democrats win the senate seat now held by some cranky old fucker from the party of Hoover.

Now, from the ELP Defens(c)e Blog, comes the marketing video for one of the scariest concepts I've seen: The "Club K" containerized missile system. Now every truck, freight train and container ships can be a missile-shooter.

There are difficulties in using cruise missiles which the Club-K video glosses over, and those are command, control and targeting. You need pretty good real-time intel in order to hit a target with a cruise missile. There is no indication in the video of how those missiles are programmed or where the terrain-following data comes from, let alone how the launch orders are given and received.

Speaking of weapons, if you have an idea on how it is possible to conduct a global conference on reducing the threat of nuclear weapons without addressing the only nuclear arms race on the planet today, you might want to give the White House a call, for they obviously have no clue. 202-456-1414 and ask for General James Jones, the current National Security Advisor.


  1. I wonder if they'll tell the container ship captains about their cargo, or just let the missiles fly.

    I'll assume trains have to stop... too many bridges.

  2. I would presume that a point of launch has to be programmed into the onboard guidance system. I'm also gathering that, other than from a cargo ship, there would be stability problems from firing on the move.

  3. Too many bridges, and too much wind. Try opening one of those boxes en route and all sorts of hilarity could ensue.

    As you say, E.B, there are lots of things these folks clearly aren't taking into account, or glossing over.

    It's amazing that people can put so much thought into computer graphics, and so little into the underlying story. Wonder where they got the money? Is there yet another group of people out there dedicated to scaring the piss out of us for no good reason, or is it one of the usual suspects?

  4. Gee, I'm a 3D artist. I appreciated the animation for its technical achievement...

    But I didn't think of a really good idea until Cujo pointed it out.

    I could spoof an even scarier technology, make an animation, (not use U.S. equipment for the bad guys,) narrate some testosterone-pumped speech about superiority this and dominate that...

    Maybe I could stir up some interesting stories on the net! Attract some Pentagon funding money... hmmm.


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