Thursday, March 4, 2010

You Just Have to Love Those "Family Values" Republicans

Especially when they allegedly get caught stepping out of their alleged closets:
Sources tell CBS13 a state senator from Southern California was arrested for allegedly driving drunk after leaving Faces, a gay nightclub in midtown Sacramento, early Wednesday morning.

The California Highway Patrol pulled over Senator Roy Ashburn at 2:00 a.m. Wednesday after an officer noticed a black Chevy Tahoe swerving at 13th and L Streets.


Ashburn, a father of four, is a Republican Senator representing parts of Kern, Tulare and San Bernardino Counties with a history of opposing gay rights.
Oh, I get it: He was conducting research into the gay lifestyle.

Yeah, that's the ticket.

UPDATE: It now seems that the hypocritical little fuckwad has been doing his research at gay nightclubs in Sacramento for years. Like West Sacramento Mayor Christopher Cabaldon, I don't have a problem with Ashburn doing a little fudge-packing in his free time, but I have a big problem with his both being a closeted gay man and his promoting an anti-gay agenda. It would be like a Jew going from Sabbath services to participate in a skinhead event.



  1. Who will put up the first billboard?

    Love ya!


  2. The senator obviously has research on his mind. He is firm and rigid in his uprightness, but has observed as closely as possible the thrust of his opponents' desires. Despite his rock hard resolve, he wants the gay community to know he's right behind them, and if anything slips through the cracks, he won't stop until he's satisfied.

  3. Sure he was doing research, but he is a Republican, congenitally unable to probe deeply or for very long.

  4. I propose Badtux's Rule: f he's a Republican, and he says he's for "family values" and against some "gay agenda"... HE IS GAY. I mean, c'mon. Aren't we getting the picture now?

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin


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