Monday, March 15, 2010

IRS: Vacuuming the Sofa for Spare Change

The IRS saw fit to sent two gun-toting (presumably) agents to a car wash to demand that the owner pay his back taxes.

The amount due: Four cents. With the IRS's claims on penalties and interest, the amount they said the guy owed was $202.35, which means that those goons tacked on $202.31 on top of four cents in taxes.

For that, the IRS sent out two of their thugs to visit the taxpayer?

Somebody had to have been below their quota for "numbers of taxpayers harassed."



  1. It's stupid bullshit like this that makes all government look bad. The tea-baggers look smart by comparison.

  2. The folks on the McClatchy site seem dubious, pointing out that in general the IRS allows you to round off to the nearest dollar, so wouldn't be trying to collect 4 cents. McClatchy says the IRS said they could not comment on any taxpayer's situation due to privacy laws, which does not give us any light on whether these guys were actual IRS agents, or were a band of armed robbers who have developed a very nifty scam for robbing places without getting the cops called on them. Six of one, a half dozen of the other, hmm...

    The IRS once audited my father, who owned a small shop. They managed to get a small hidden camera into the store and put it over the cash register. At the end of a week they stormed in, retrieved their camera, and verified what it saw my father putting into the register against my father's totals and against the number of customers they'd seen going into the shop. They said there was 6 cents difference, and refused to say which way, but slunk off and never were seen again. Hmm...

    - Badtux the Skeptical Penguin


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