Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Somewhere, a Surprise Awaits

When I woke up this morning, I could detect the subtle wafting of the cat barf.

But I can't find it.


  1. Hint: Carefully look in shoes before inserting toes.

  2. I suffered as a cat keeper for years before the beast came at me one night. He went to live on a friend's farm (no really) and was as happy as a furry clam. NO mo cats for me. The spritzing and barfing was insufferable.

  3. Saw, other than barf, which goes with the territory, my cats are pretty loving and largely trouble-free. They're good company.

  4. Reminds me of the time we lost track of a kitten inside for a morning. Later, while preparing lunch, what a surprise! Kitten turds in a salad bowl!


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