Thursday, January 28, 2010

Over in the Nation Formerly Known as Great Britain

It seems that it is considered to be bad form in the UK to discriminate against worthless workers. No, I am not making this shit up:
When it comes to hiring staff, there are plenty of legal pitfalls employers need to watch out for these days. So recruitment agency boss Nicole Mamo was especially careful to ensure her advert for hospital workers did not offend on grounds of race, age or sexual orientation.

However, she hadn't reckoned on discriminating against a wholly different section of the community - the completely useless. When she ran the ad past a job centre, she was told she couldn't ask for 'reliable' and 'hard-working' applicants because it could be offensive to unreliable people.
Crimus. I take this comment back, all it would really take would be a couple of companies of Hessians with Brown Bess muskets.


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