Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Asshat of the Day

Pat Robertson. But what can one truly say about a despicable old husk of a human who agreed that gays and feminists were, in part, to blame for the 9-11 attacks.


  1. What can I say? That he'd probably blame the Haitians for selling their souls in order to overthrow the French.

    How did I do? ;)

  2. The thing about Pat Robertson is that you can pick a day, any day, and name him asshat of the day. His asshattery, his sheer venality, is such a giant hole of suck that it takes something akin to the direct intervention of a higher power for anybody else to even approach Pat Robertson's daily level of assholery. He is a pathetic miserable excuse of a human being, and always will be. Throwing rotten tomatoes his way is like drowning cockroaches... it's really easy to do because he's as nasty as a cockroach, but after a time, it just gets tedious and boring.

    - Badtux the Pat-lovin' Penguin (heh).


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