Thursday, December 17, 2009

What the Streetwalker of Stonington Has in Common With China

Both Lieberman and China turn out to be pimples on the ass of progress:
All eyes are now on China to see if it will allow itself to be cast in the role of the villain who prevented a new international climate deal and deprived the world's poorest people of the chance to get substantial new aid to tackle the effects of global warming which are now inevitable.


  1. China gives no fuck whatsoever.

    The Middle Kingdom will do what is in their best interests. Period.

  2. The Democrats need to junk the health care bill if it has no public option. Then they need to marginalize Leiberman and quit kissing his behind.

  3. CP, every nation tends to do what is in their best interests. Which is one reason why their government is investing in renewable energy in a way that dwarfs any effort we've made.

    But I don't believe that China wants to be seen as the dealbreaker at Copenhagen.


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