Saturday, December 5, 2009

Speaking of Absolute Dickishness

How the health insurance industry is proclaiming that they think health insurance reform is a good thing, while they are quietly working behind the scenes to kill it, including by funneling money to the teabaggers.

Mo surprise that the leading company in this two-faced dance of betrayal is Blue Cross.

What also torqued me off today is what Carly Fiorina, one of the Repulsivan candidates for Senate in California (you may recall that she is the one who couldn't be troubled to bother to vote in an election for most of her adult life because she was, in part, too busy running HP into the crapper) said this morning in the GOP Saturday morning response, which is the polite term for "a pack of complete fabrications belched out over the nation's airwaves."

This is, in part, what she said
We wonder if we are heading down a path where the federal government will at first suggest and then mandate new standards for prevention and treatment. Do we really want government bureaucrats rather than doctors dictating how we prevent and treat something like breast cancer?
Got a news flash for you, Carly: Most people have health insurance bureaucrats dictating how diseases are treated. It would take Carly all of fifteen seconds with Google to find a raft of stories about people who had treatments denied by health insurance bureaucrats.

Beyond that, Carly, here is a second news flash: My doctors do not dictate a fucking thing to me. They can make recommendations, sure, but it's my body and my call. Which is as it should be for everyone. But we all know how much in love the party of Hooverites is with authority figures, so it shouldn't be any surprise that they think people act as though the doctors are in charge.

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