Saturday, December 5, 2009

Learning an Old Lesson

From the 27 Articles of T.E. Lawrence:
15. Do not try to do too much with your own hands. Better the Arabs do it tolerably than that you do it perfectly. It is their war, and you are to help them, not to win it for them. Actually, also, under the very odd conditions of Arabia, your practical work will not be as good as, perhaps, you think it is.
It is a lesson that our army seems to be slowly learning, at least in Iraq.


  1. Keyword: slowly.
    I'm glad to see the Iraqis starting to fend for themselves.
    Now if only the Afghanis and Pakistannies can do the same.
    Obama has managed to alienate his base while failing to please his distractors with his escalation of the Afghan war.
    The Nobel Peace Prize people should ask him to return the award and give it to someone who wages peace.

  2. I hadn't read the 27 articles before... very interesting. I'm betting no one in the previous administration had either.

  3. Probably a safe bet that nobody in Chimpy's shop had read "the Seven Pillars of Wisdom", for that matter.


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