Friday, October 30, 2009

The Wimpification of Halloween, or
Why School Administrators Need to Be Beaten With Chains

It's Halloween, kids. Try not to have any fun at school. If your kid wants to dress up like Martin van Buren, fine. Zombies, no.

They want to "portray positive images". Where is the fun in that? Speaking of zombies, school administrators would be the only people safe in a zombie outbreak, as they have no brains to be eaten.


  1. as they have no brains to be eaten.

    Thanks for a nice wakeup laugh. Braaaaaaains ... braiiiins

  2. To be fair, I think they have brains, they're just using them as (squishy) paperweights in their office. But at least their War on Halloween isn't as silly as CBN saying that the the Devil lives in that Snickers bar. The Devil. In a Snickers bar. What a buncha jerkwads, meow!


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