Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Don't Taze Me in the Chest, Bro

That's what the Taser folks are now advising, because of the risk of inducing an "adverse cardiac event", which is medicalese for "death".

They defibrillate a heart by applying an electric shock. Electrocution kills people by stopping the heart. So why anyone ever thought that it would be perfectly harmless to blast a person's torso with an electric shock is rather incomprehensible.


  1. But...but...think of the CHILDREN!

  2. Uhm, given that Tasers are pretty much impossible to aim at anything *but* the center of mass given their woeful inaccuracy (they're low-velocity darts dangling wires behind them, for pete's sake!), what the Taser folks just said was, "don't Taser people." At which point one asks... uhm.... why are police officers carrying these things, again?

    - Badtux the Bad Aim Penguin


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