Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Being Raped is a Pre-Existing Condition

At least to health insurance companies. So is being beaten by your husband or boyfriend.

It is getting harder and harder for me to not see the people running the health insurance companies, let alone those who work for the industry's trade groups, such as "America's Health Insurance Plans", or those who lobby on their behalf, as anything other than despicable lumps of sentient slime. Calling them "vultures" would be an insult to carrion-feeders.

(After all, there are 30 GOP Senators who are pro-gang rape, so none of this should be too surprising.)

1 comment:

  1. And calling them despicable lumps of sentient slime might be an insult to slime, but what can you do? There is just no words adequate to describe how disgusting these "people" are. And we're supposed to feel sorry that they won't be allowed to make as much profit under healthcare reform? Oh wah!

    - Badtux the Healthcare Penguin


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