Saturday, August 15, 2009

Limited Service

I am going away for a week. Expect few posts during that time.

That is all.


  1. Miss Fit:

    I hope the purpose of your absence is R & R. Travel safely, and enjoy your time off line.


  2. Miss Fit: As you seem to be a fan of Russian history, I thought you might like to read a new short story I just had published online.

    "Day 483"

    It's a dark historical fiction piece about one of the darkest of times in The Great Patriotic War: The Siege of Leningrad.

  3. Oops - messed up the link. Try this one:

    Day 483

    And enjoy your vacation, by the way!

  4. Whatever you're doing, try to have fun.

  5. Come back with a huge grin on yer face.


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