Saturday, August 15, 2009

"He Was a Decent Man"

So said the brother of Raylin Footmon. Footmon and three of his buddies tried to pull off an armed robbery of a restaurant supply store in Harlem. After they started pistol-whipping one of the employees, the shop owner opened up on them with a shotgun. All four of them were shot, two died, including Footmon.

Decent men do not participate in armed robberies.

Once the DA reviews the case, the two survivors may wind up spending 25 to life on two counts of felony murder.


  1. The "decent man" meme has been used to describe BOTH Bush and Cheney, asa well aas any number of Wall Streeters, any of whom I'd cheerfully see on the receiving end of a 12 gauge...

  2. I can think of some decent men who might feel driven to commit armed robbery. But only under dire circumstances clearly not present in this situation.


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