Sources at the meeting tell me that Emanuel really teed off on the Dem-versus-Dem attacks, calling them “f–king stupid.” This was a direct attack on some of the attendees in the room, who are running ads against Dems right now.It gets better and better.
The organizations that are usually at the Common Purpose meeting include Rock the Vote, the unions, the LCCR, the Sierra Club, HCAN, Bob Creamer (Jan Schakowsky's husband) of Americans United for Change, CAP, Media Matters, MoveOn, Campaign for America's Future and numerous other groups that earn their seat at that particular table by not bucking the White House. (The notable exception is MoveOn, who bravely sent a letter to their members telling them to contact the White House and tell Obama to reign Rahm in on triggers. I'm going to guess THAT precipitated quite the phone call.)You're goddamn right I want to see "direct political attacks" on the Blue Dogs. I do not care if the Obama Administration gets dragged through the mud. This is not about "protecting the President" politically, this should be about doing good for the American people.
This health bill is shaping up to be the Health Insurance Industry Protection Act of 2009. And that is just wrong. All this does is play into the hands of the people who argue that, fascist or not, socialist or not, the entire system is corrupt to its motherfucking core and that, at the end of the day, it really doesn't matter which party is in power. The special interests that can
We, the people, just get the shaft. And the bill.
I'm seeing a huge similarity between this and copyright enforcement for media companies whose opinion is "We've always made money this way, so we should always be able to make money this way, and we'll pass as many laws and jail as many grannies and schoolkids as we need to keep our cash-hose pumping".
ReplyDeleteBasically the same ethos to my mind.
I don't vote for Democrats to make them the party in power. I vote for them so that they will run the country the way I think it ought to be run. Therefore, to me it's not stupid to target Democrats who aren't trying to run the country the way it ought to be run. It's part of being citizens of a democracy.
ReplyDeleteThey need to understand that this is important to us, and that failure has consequences for them. If he doesn't want to understand that, Rahm can screw himself.
Rahm Emanuel is a piece of work. Political scientist Larry Sabato has written that Emanuel says f*ck more frequently than “if, and, or but.” Obama himself regularly jokes about Emanuel’s profanity: “For Rahm, every day is a swearing-in ceremony.”