Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Just Another Hypocrite From the Party of Hoover

Sen. John Ensign (R-NV), who has confessed to stepping out on his wife. He was screwing around with the wife of a close friend of his, or, presumably, now-former-close friend.

When he was a Congressman, Ensign was outspoken that Bill Clinton should resign for having an affair with Monica Lewinsky. You might then wonder what are the chances that Ensign will take his own advice and step down.

You're more likely to hear the whistling of lobsters in the mountains.

"Family values", my ass.

UPDATE: From Politico:
A born-again Christian, Ensign has been a member of the Promise Keepers, a male evangelical group that promotes marital fidelity.
As Darth Vader would say: The hypocrisy is strong with this one.

(H/T for the Clinton reference.)


  1. My wife has a theory that the biggest proponents for a certain type of morality are actually the biggest offenders. She was right on Craig and looks like it applied to Ensign as well.

  2. The GOP is just relieved it was with an adult female.
    That's okay with them, just ask Newt.

  3. Ah yes, defending the sanctity of marriage, Republican-style, where marriage is between a woman, a man, and all the mistresses that he can support. Next!

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin


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