Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Argentina, Appalachia

South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford was in Argentina during a days long unexplained absence, not hiking the Appalachian Trail as his staff told the public when state leaders raised questions about his whereabouts, the governor told a newspaper.
Yeah, he just ups and flies to Argentina on a whim, driving five or so hours to Atlanta to catch a flight to Buenos Aries. He's got children and he disappears over the Fathers' Day weekend?

Suure, he just took off on a whim. Just for shits and grins, he took a ten-hour flight to South America, because nothing says "fun" like flying to Argentina at the start of winter.

I have the sneaking suspicion that he went to Argentina for some gay sex, a little vacation out of the closet, if you will. He probably figured it was safer than going to the can at the Minneapolis Airport.

One thing is clear: The field of potential GOP nominees for 2012 is doing a great job of self-immolation.

1 comment:

  1. Just like the Buddhist monks during the Vietnam War that they laughed so heartily at, which I remember well.

    Too bad the only cause the Rethugs serve is their own.

    Not one drop of empathy will be spent on them this time - even by their sorrowful apologists.

    I've been awaiting the payback which was sure to come when the pig-Rethugs allied themselves to the xtian fundamentalists.

    It's here!

    Thanks for your fine reporting.



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