Sunday, March 15, 2009

Discovery in Orbit

Discovery launched about 14 minutes ago.

I watched it on NASA TV (online), it sounded as though they went up with one APU offline. The flack doing the PR voiceover said that they had three good APUs and 3 good fuel cells.


What the hell do I know.


  1. Hello fellow misfit,

    Unless you meant "two good APUs" I think you shouldn't have worried. There are three
    of each.

    I hope you feel better soon. :)

  2. I know, but in listening to the chatter before launch, it sounded as though one of them had gone off-line.

  3. Ok, never mind then. Scary avatar picture. Do you like cats?

  4. I do, indeed. Put "caturday" in the search block if you want to see mine (and some others)


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